Which make-up product to pick for getting fleek eyebrows?

Filling in the eyebrows is one of the fundamental elements of make-up. Without fleek brows, flawless make-up doesn’t exist. Stunning, bold eyebrows have been a thing for a couple of seasons and it looks like this trend is going to last. We are fed up with plucking them and getting skinny brows… This effect isn’t what we desire and surely makes the face look weird. Luckily, we like to enhance the brows and make them stand out now so the entire face looks lovely. What brow fillers make the best pick? Have you discovered all possibilities offered by the cosmetic industry? Enjoy our comparison of eyebrow make-up products!

What to use for eyebrow make-up? TOP products

You can lightly emphasize the brows e.g. with a clear gel. It makes the best choice if your brows are naturally thick and full yet messy and chaotic. Gels tame unruly brows and give a strong hold for several hours.

If your eyebrows are really unruly, you can try changing their shape completely e.g. with tint or pomade. The former keeps the color longer-lasting and you can either have it done by a pro or do it at home (if you like your brow shape and feel like tinting them on your own).
On the other hand, pomade lets you create fleek make-up even if your brows are sparse and barely there. It’s creamy and applied with an angled brush. Long-wear effect and easy use make it very popular. With a pomade, you can draw brows, filling in the patches, as well as get the hottest ombre effect.
Plenty of shades are available so you can surely find your perfect pomade. Just make sure you choose right one for your skin tone (warm or cool) and eyebrow color. Don’t go too dark because it gives unnatural effect.

Eyebrow powder is another, well-known makeup product you apply with a brush. It doesn’t last as long as pomades but the effect is really lovely, especially when you prime brows with a wax which smoothes them and makes the powder cling to the hairs.
By using a powder, you can subtly enhance the brow shape without the unwanted cartoonish look.

A brow pencil is one of the most popular products used for brow makeup because it is the most convenient, plus you can use it for outlining the brows. Not only will you draw single hairs but also fill in the entire brow arch. Your pencil should be hard enough to create perfect lines and build the intensity (ombre effect). Pencils with combs or sharpeners make a perfect option if you travel a lot.

Eyebrow gels are also available in color version so you can bring out the natural shape of brows, deepen their color and make them look slightly fuller. Brow make-up gels are usually closed in mascara-like tubes and have similar brushes but obviously the formula differs.