How to shape brows at home? It’s easier than you think!

Single brow hairs that grow back outside the proper outline of eyebrows is something that catches attention of others immediately. It’s better to have this in mind because an eyebrow that is unkempt and has lost its perfect shape ruins the appearance of our entire face. Therefore, if you don’t have time to see a beautician, you’d better roll your sleeves up and re-shape your brows at home. Sounds terrifying? Well, it shouldn’t because gifting your brows with the right shape is nothing difficult. See it for yourself! Keep reading this perfect eyebrow guide and try to achieve the great effects that will left others amazed.

Eyebrow shaping at home: Before you start

Before you pluck some brow hairs out – the ones that you find redundant and blemishing – you should get some things sorted out first. Namely, prepare your brow ridge (remove makeup, towel dry it) and collect the essential items. What items? For example, a long stick, a nude eyebrow pencil, tweezers (good quality ones that grab the hairs and pull them out, not only tug/break them). When it comes to tweezers, make sure that they are perfectly clean. Just use a cotton pad dampen with a disinfecting lotion and wipe the tweezers clean.

Eyebrow shaping at home: Step-by-step manual

1. Makeup removal

This is pretty obvious but let’s advise you – just in case – that the brows you are going to work on must be clean and free from color cosmetics. It shouldn’t be oily either (e.g. having the residues of oily makeup remover), or damp. Therefore, remove makeup carefully and dry the brows. This is how there will be nothing that may impede your brow shaping.

2. Comb the brows

Reach for a spoolie brush or a clean toothbrush and start combing your brows to see how they arrange themselves naturally. Check the direction your hair grows and the natural shape of the entire eyebrows. This will help you realize which hairs should be removed.

3. Mark out the shape and map the brows

This is an essential part of brow shaping. First, you have to carefully mark the head of the brow, then the arch (the highest point) and the tail. If you think that you can’t do this on your own, you can ask a beautician for a help. Still, you should be fine using a long stick. Here’s how to do it.

Press one end of the stick (you can use a shashlik stick since it’s thin and long) to one side of your nose and direct the other end to the inner corner of the eye – mark the place where the eyebrows crosses the stick. Then, slide the stick and place it in such a way so it’s right in front of the centre of the iris – this is your arch. Finally, slide the stick again and let it ‘run through’ the outer corner of the eye – this is how you get the tail of your eyebrow. Connect the dots with a nude pencil.

Check if both brows look even – if they share the same length and width. Are they symmetrical?

4. Contour the brows by defining their shape

When you managed to map the brows, outline them to define their final shape. Here, you can use a nude pencil. Mind the head, arch and tail of the brows that you have just mapped. What’s important to realize, nude pencil is the best to define the shape of brows because it’s easy to erase it if you aren’t fully satisfied with the shape of brows that you created. Therefore, draw, compare and experiment to find the most suitable shape of brows for your face.

5. Remove unwanted brow hairs

Now, when you get the perfect shape of the brows, you can start eliminating the brow hairs that spoil your stunning looks – of course, these are the hairs that are located outside the outline you’ve just defined with a nude pencil. Also, bear in mind that the hairs growing on the outline you drew should be removed mindfully – if you see that the brow misses something when you remove a few hairs, give up on removing more. You can always do it later. Don’t rush! Remove the brow hairs that you really have to get rid of.

6. Take off the nude outline and nourish the brows with a serum

Once you remove the nude outline, you will see that your brows are picture-perfect! Now it’s time to think about some conditioning. You can reach for a high quality brow serum to gift your eyebrows with healthy colour and shine. Also, a high quality brow serum will nourish the brows.