How to have perfect eyebrows? Eyebrow make-up step by step

Do you know how to shape your eyebrows to get an ideal shape? Learn the best methods for eyebrow styling and change the look of your eyebrows. Below is a professional guide to help you get your eyebrows in shape!

Improperly plucked, too thin or too thick eyebrows definitely do not improve the general look. Most of women have learned from their own mistakes. Unfortunately, most of the mistakes we made…unconsciously!
So how to do your eyebrows properly? Only proper make-up and the right shape of the eyebrows can help you.

Step 1. Eyebrow shaping

The most important thing is to give your eyebrows the right shape. It should fit your face on the first place. It should be as natural as possible, without overloading and according to certain make-up rules. Although it sounds complicated, shaping your eyebrows is not that difficult as we can do it at home. We only need some tools and a free moment.

How to shape your eyebrows at home?

If you’re planning to shape your eyebrows for the first time, you might need to save more time for it. It’s good not to do it before leaving your house, when you are in a hurry. All we need (except time) is a mirror, tweezers and a thin stick, brush or pencil.

TRICK: The best time for eyebrow shaping is just after taking a bath because then the skin is softened and plucking is less painful.

  1. Set the shape – place the stick vertically at the middle of a nostril and mark that spot, then move the stick to the outside of your iris and mark your arch. Then move it to the outer corner of your eye to find the tail end. Connect the points with a delicate line, this will make your perfect eyebrow arch.
  2. Pluck your eyebrows – with the help of tweezers, remove all hairs that are outside the lines that determine the perfect shape of the eyebrows. Never do it in a hurry. After plucking every hair, check the general look as not to pluck too many hairs.

Other methods for eyebrow shaping:

Of course, the tweezers, although the most popular, is not the only tool that can be used to give eyebrows the right shape. What are the other methods?

  • eyebrow waxing, i.e. removing the hairs with a single strip of wax
  • eyebrow threading, i.e. a method popular in Arab countries that involves using two thin threads to pluck the hair by twisting it.

INTERESTING FACT: Arabian women have mastered the eyebrow threading. Because of this, they have beautiful eyebrows.

It’s good to choose one method that suits your needs best and use it every time. This way you will gain practice that is necessary to avoid common mistakes.

Here are the most common mistakes:

  • Too excessive plucking that makes the eyebrows too thin.
  • Improper shortening of the tail resulting in the wrong proportions.
  • Avoiding plucking eyebrows, which makes it difficult to put them back in shape.
  • Trimming eyebrows instead of plucking.

Step 2. Which products to use?

Perfect eyebrows require proper highlighting. The easiest way to do it is through make-up, although there are several methods as well. We can choose from a variety of eyebrow products. Which to use to make it as quick and effortless as possible?

  1. Eyebrow pencil – it should not be used to mark a thick line across the eyebrows. Instead, mark the bottom of the eyebrow with it, fill in empty spaces and darken the arch slightly. It’s good to gradually add more product and rub it with a finger or a special sponge to obtain a natural effect.
  2. Eyebrow henna – you can do it at home or in a beauty salon. Make sure you choose the right henna colour so that the eyebrows are not too dark. This is important because the effect is durable – it lasts for 2-3 weeks. Slight changes to improve the final effect are possible but this is a difficult task.
  3. Eyebrow mascara – you can also buy products that look like miniature versions of mascaras in drugstores. With one stroke of a small brush you can not only give your eyebrows a colour, but also comb and shape them. It’s important to use proper amount of the product to avoid an exaggerated effect.