5 tricks for perfect eyebrows

Perfect make-up? It is (paradoxically) the one that is almost invisible. One that emphasizes our beauty, conceals defects. Eyebrows are, of course, an important part of our body because they are in the centre of the face. They give the look an individual character.

How to have perfect eyebrows? Check what to do to avoid make-up fails.

1. Nourish your eyebrows

Not only the thin and sparse eyebrows require moisturising and care, also those that are thick and well-groomed should be properly taken care of. The best in this matter would be an eyebrow serum. Choose the one that allows you to get the most spectacular results in the shortest time possible.

2. Find the ideal shape of your eyebrows and… pluck them wisely!

Some women have no idea how to shape their own eyebrows properly. If you’re completely in the dark, go to the beauty salon, the professional will know exactly what to do with your eyebrows. After that, you can maintain the effect by plucking your eyebrows with tweezers.

3. Find your perfect make-up

The cosmetics market is undergoing a real ‘eyebrow revolution’. Every day you can find new product for eyebrows. Among all, there is certainly the one product that you will adore:) You can choose, in addition to traditional eyebrow pencils, from all kinds of shadows, waxes, pencils, tints, pomades, pens… it’s good to test a few products or consult a beautician – she can help you choose a cosmetic that suits the needs of your eyebrows.

4. Moderation is the key

Properly done eyebrows look beautiful, impressive and certainly are a part of a trend. Remember, however, that moderation is advisable in any matter, therefore thick eyebrows that are almost painted-on give a very caricatural impression. Ideally, if you use eyebrow shadow and eyebrow pen, or any other cosmetic you choose, in two colours. The outer corner of the eyebrows (near the temple), should be emphasized more. The inner corner looks fine and natural when it is slightly lighter and when there are no sharp edges. After that, it’s good to comb the brows to soften the edges a bit more. This way your face will gain a subtle look.

5. Say goodbye to castor oil

Castor oil to enhance growing and eyebrow strengthening… how many times have you typed a similar phrase in the browser? Unfortunately, it’s time to dispel the myth: castor oil does not enhance eyebrow growth. It does not work on hair bulbs, and more specifically: it does not work to the extent that we would expect it. The ideal solution for nourishing and strengthening eyebrows is the purchase of an eyebrow care product created from the beginning to the end with one aim: to strengthen, embellish, thicken, darken and improve the condition of the eyebrows. Castor oil is incomparably weaker in comparison. However, you can still use it on your hair 🙂